Volunteer Resources is where you will find trainings, information, and materials for your role as volunteer. Increase your competence and confidence with our wide variety of courses, designed to equip, empower, and enlighten you on your Girl Scout journey. We have also included other information you may find relevant and useful. Check back as we update this page frequently with new resources!
Thank you for volunteering your time as a troop co-leader! We’re excited you want to build girls of courage, confidence, and character. It will be an incredible and rewarding journey. As a Girl Scout volunteer, you have the opportunity to share new adventures and make wonderful memories together with the girls in your troop.
The first three training courses listed below are required for all troop co-leaders before meeting with girls. The remaining four courses must be completed within the first month of starting your troop. Training is offered in ways that best meet your unique learning style: written resources, face-to-face learning, and interactive online learning.
However, these trainings are not just for co-leaders—they contain helpful information and are recommended for all Girl Scout volunteers!
Field trips and experiencing the outdoors are fundamental to Girl Scouting. These are adventures that girls will remember forever! We offer a series of training experiences to prepare you for safely taking girls outside of their typical troop meeting place and incorporate the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
For the safety and well-being of all, we require troops have a First Aid/CPR-certified adult present for any activity that is beyond a regular meeting site, including overnight trips, and/or physically demanding.
We've collected more materials that will be useful on your volunteer journey with Girl Scouts. Information includes Opportunity Catalog, Safety Activity Checkpoints, and the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK).
Please also review and bookmark the following important items:
Let us know if you can’t find something or have suggestions for how we can improve your experience. Thank you for all you do for girls and for our council and Nebraska girls!
Looking for ways to promote Girl Scouts or grow your troop? Use the images below on your own social media pages to excite friends, family, neighbors, classmates, everyone, about the Girl Scout program.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook (@girlscoutsnebraska) and Instagram (@girlscoutsne) and tag #GSSN in your posts!