We believe that every girl deserves the opportunity to make the world a better place. Through our Community Outreach Program, staff and volunteers provide the opportunity for all girl-identifying youth to become Girl Scouts.
Each year, we provide the Girl Scouting experience to more than 3,000 Nebraska girls through our Community Outreach Program. Participating in a traditional Girl Scout troop can be challenging for many reasons. Our program connects with girls, meets them where they are, and removes barriers such as lack of financial resources, transportation, and access to volunteers.
Our Outreach program is accessible in schools, community centers, and other youth-serving organizations where girls receives a safe and quality experience. Similar to a traditional Girl Scout troop, Girl Scouts in Community Outreach Programs participate in STEM, outdoors, life skills, and entrepreneurship activities. From meeting weekly to explore their interests with friends, to hosting Girl Scout Cookie booths to attending camp, girls are building a foundation of success.
Donations from corporate, grant, and foundation partners, along with our dedicated Outreach volunteers, provide the resources necessary for us to reach the girls who need us most. Our donors and volunteers make this experience possible! With your help, we can continue and expand the accessibility of Girl Scouts programs.
According to a study by the Girl Scout Research Institute:
To make it easy for you to see exactly where we provide Girl Scouting through our Community Outreach Programs, we created this map identifying each of our current sites.
If you are interested in volunteering at an Outreach site, please complete this form.